Amed Website - Investor

Stock Information

Dividend Information

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Cash dividend
Stock dividend
2021 年
Common Share Transfer Agent and Registrar


The Transfer Agency Department of First Securities


6F., No. 27, Sec. 1, Anhe Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106646 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)





Business hours

8:45AM~4:45PM (Monday to Friday, excluding holidays)


  • Q
    When will the 2022 shareholders meeting of Amed Biomedical Co., Ltd. be held in the Republic of China?

    The company's 2022 shareholders' meeting will be held on May 24, 2022 at the 2nd floor of No. 1, Wuquan Road, Wugu District, New Taipei City (the conference hall on the second floor of the New Taipei City Industry and Commerce Exhibition Center).

  • Q
    Where can I find the financial reports and related operating conditions of Amed Biomedical Co., Ltd. in the past years?

    It can be inquired at the public information observatory or the investor area of our company's website.

  • Q
    How and how much is the distribution of surplus in 2020?

    Method and amount of earnings distribution for 2020: 1.86 NTD stock dividend per share.

  • Q
    What are the dividends distributed by Amed Biomedical Co., Ltd. over the years?

    Please refer to the dividend information in the investor section of this website.

  • Q
    How can I participate in ex-rights and ex-dividends?

    Shareholders must hold the company’s stocks before the ex-rights and ex-dividend trading days before they can participate in the ex-dividends and ex-dividends.

  • Q
    When was Amed Biomedical Co., Ltd. established?

    Amed Biomedical was established on July 15, 2008.

  • Q
    What is the accounting year of Amed Biomedicine?

    From January 1st to 12th 31st each year.